Compliance Training

Blue binder with "Regulatory Compliance" written on the spineDeVries Business Services is proud to announce that Patrick DeVries is one of a limited number of information security professionals nationwide to be authorized as a distributor for a Information Destruction Policy Compliance Toolkit. The Toolkit is designed to help organizations develop the written information destruction procedures now required by law.  According to the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), most organizations in the US report that they currently do not comply with this requirement and, therefore, are at risk. The Toolkit is the first and only publication to specifically address information destruction policy development with a goal of making compliance with the laws easy and understandable.

And now we are able to offer you the NAID Employee Information Destruction Training Program to your organization. The Program offers an easy-to-use, 3-step process for complying with regulatory requirements to instruct personnel on the organization’s program for destroying personal and competitive information when it is no longer needed.

To Shred or Not To Shred Infographic

Click To Enlarge

Step 1: Employees view the 15 minute NAID Employee Information Destruction video presentation, which explains why proper destruction is critical to the organization.

Step 2: Employees are provided with written instructions on the organization’s specific information destruction procedures. DeVries Business Services will be happy to help you prepare this short document.

Step 3: Employees verify that they have viewed the training video, understand the written instructions, and agree that ongoing compliance is a condition of their employment.

That’s it. Employees are trained, there is a record of compliance with training requirements, and your organization is better protected from unauthorized access to sensitive and private information. Plus, the organization is also now insulated from the severe fines that result when such training in not provided.


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