How a File Room Cleanout Can Transform Tax Season

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your living space—it can also breathe new life into your tax season routine. According to a recent survey by the American Cleaning Institute, cleaning not only improves your mental and physical well-being but also gives you a sense of accomplishment. But while 80% of people prefer to tackle spring cleaning,…

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Document Shredding: A Perfect Partner for Global Recycling Day

Recycling is more than a fleeting moment or a passing thought that occurs when the recycling truck rolls by or when we diligently sort our garbage. It’s a commitment to the planet, a dedication to preserving resources, and an active stance against the environmental challenges we face. On March 18, 2024, we celebrate Global Recycling…

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Not All Shredding Companies Are the Same: Here’s Why

In the world of shredding services, the iconic Sesame Street song, “One of These Things Is Not Like the Others,” perfectly describes the diverse landscape of shredding companies. The quest for the ideal shredding partner may have you humming this tune as you navigate the options. The truth is, not all shredding companies are created…

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Top 10 Things to Look for in a Shredding Company

In a recent staff meeting, the topic of annoying sounds came up. Fingernails on a chalkboard, snoring and buzzing mosquitos were some of the quick comments, but surprisingly, the office shredding machine was a common complaint. The constant grind of the machine, attempting to process a few sheets at a time and then jamming at…

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Media Destruction and Privacy Law Compliance

There’s a Beast in the Shadows It’s watching you, day after day, wondering how long before you’re going to do something about it. It wonders if you’re just ignoring it, hoping it will go away on its own, or if you’ve become oblivious to its existence and you’re unaware of the danger it presents. It…

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Observe Financial Awareness Day by Protecting Your Identity

Your True Identity How do people identify you? The way you dress or style your hair? By your personality? By the things you have done? In many ways, this is your true identity. These are identifiers that that you have some amount of choice over that have made you who you are. But there is…

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The Real Cost of Storing Your Files On Site

What is the Bottom Line? At the end of a home improvement project, have you ever discovered there were many unexpected or overlooked things that significantly increased the final cost? Or you want to take that quick getaway vacation, so you grab a hard-to-believe low-cost plane ticket only to realize it’s not a bargain after…

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What is a Certificate of Destruction and Why Do I Need One?

Unusual Things Every once in a while, you come across something that strikes you as really odd or strange. For instance, as you are walking down the street and you pass by the hearing aid store, a representative asks if you would like to take a free hearing test. By responding, you already indicate that…

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Tips for Preserving and Protecting Archival or Business Records

In a world where digital record keeping is attempting to replace physical records, the task of preserving and protecting archival and business records may feel like an ongoing challenge. But it doesn’t have to be—it just requires following some simple guidelines. Here’s our short list of tips for you to consider following. 1. Organize Your…

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